Signals Basics
Updated: 16 December 2024
Why Signals
Change Detection Historical Context
This section is very hand wavy
Angular makes use of Zone.js to trigger change detection. Changes can come from Handled DOM events or async tasks
Angular goes through the component tree and what values are rendered in the DOM. It checks which class properties from a component and which DOM elements are related and this can lead to some operations in order to figure out what is impacted by a change
Signals solve this problem by creating an internal reactive graph that lives alongside the coponent tree. Signals then inform the application that something has been updated and it can update the DOM based on this
Using Signals
Defining a Signal
In a simple component, we can define a value as a signal using signal
with an initial value as can be seen below:
Signals can also take a generic type for defining them as follows:
Reading and Updating Signals
We can then read a signal by calling it as function, a simple example of this can be seen below:
Furthermore, we can see above that signals can be updated using the set
method on the signal
Signals can also be updated using the update
function that allows us to derive a new value from the current value of a signal, for example how we’re doing the count
signal above
In the example above, we also see that we are reading signals in our template as:
In the above example, we’re calling users()
within a template. Templates are in this considered a Reactive Context - this isn’t the same as calling it in the submit
handler above
We can also see that signals can be bound to [(ngModel)]
as if it’s a normal state value. Note that this method works differently if we use a one-way vs two-way binding. If it’s a one-way binding we have to read the value
Computed Signals
Computed signals are a way to get a new signal that’s based on some other signal, for example we can update the count
above to work based on the length of our users
In the above, computed
is aware of the signals that are used internally and so it will be updated when the related values are
The computed
signal cannot be directly written to
Another reactive is within the effect
function. This gives us a reactive context within our class where we can do some stuff
Note that we can only call
within an injection context, such as aconstructor
It is also possible to call effect
elsewhere but you have to provide the injector manually via the options
Signals Lifecycle
A common pitfall is when manipulating a signal within a synchronous context:
If we have associated effect
with this signal we will only get the last value from this set of changes. This is because signals work to create an optimized DOM update and under a condition like this. This doesn’t really make sense from a change detection perspective
Effectively, signals will only be evaluated during change detection. Hence, computed
and effect
will only run once even though we have set the value multiple times
This is not the mechanism to use when an effect
depends on EVERY change to a signal
Dynamic Dependency Tracking
Given the following code:
The effect
above will only run when this.a() === 'show'
. This means that the effect is only triggered when the condition is satisified
Writing Signals from Effect
It’s also important to note that we cannot write to a signal from an effect
since it can create a dependency loop. It is possible to disbable this safeguard but not recommended
This can be done by using allowSignalWrites
as below:
Within a reactive context such a effect
we may want to run some other code but ensure that we don’t trigger any signal changes we can use untracked
, in the below this means that anything that printName
does will not trigger a new change
Component Communication
Angular also provides signal equivalents for existing component communication decorators, namely:
Decorator | Signal |
@Input | input() |
@Output | output() |
@Input + @Output | model() |
@ViewChild | viewChild() |
@ViewChildren | viewChildren() |
@ContentChild | contentChild() |
@ContentChildren | contentChildren() |
Inputs can be done using input
. Within this we can define an input as optional using:
Or as requires as:
Next, this can be used in the parent just as:
Outputs work as follows:
The output will now be consumed as normal and still functions as an EventEmitter
as before. From the component we can emit values as we’d expect:
And from a consumer, it’s bound as normal as well:
When doing 2-way binding it’s possible to simplify the configuration of the signals using model()
So the following input/output combination:
Can become:
The model
will then emit whenever the signal is updated, e.g. using set
or update
Often in Angular we can run into the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError
when we change the value of something during rendering. If we encounter this error during a function that’s signal-based, it’s likely that this happens at a boundary where we are working with something that’s not a signal - e.g. RxJS